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Hey There!

I'm G.R. (Garyn Rees) George, an emerging novelist from Wales, where storytelling runs in our blood. After all we convinced people to let us put a dragon on our flag.

All About Me

I started writing in my teenage years, but my fascination with words began much earlier. I distinctly remember, at 7 or 8, telling my father that I wanted to be remembered through the ages. His response, however, threw me. He reminded me that most people who are remembered for that long have usually committed some atrocious acts. It left me wondering if and how I could leave a lasting legacy?


It struck me one day—words. Those tiny, little, powerful letters, jumbled up according to whatever language you speak. Whether it's a single line in a book, a passing comment, or even a headline, words shape how we think, what we believe, and how we see the world. They're small but mighty things. They carry weight, they carry emotion. 


Since then, I’ve continued writing. Like most authors, I have hundreds of thousands of “dead” words hidden on an old laptop somewhere. But that's where you find your voice. I had grand ambitions of being the youngest bestseller, but nerves, or perhaps a lack of knowledge, or both, held me back.


I wrote my first small book simply to prove that I could finish something—a beginning, middle, and end. It’s unedited and likely not my best work, but it was finished. Then, as life tends to do, it threw me into a whirlwind—love, loss, twins, and golf (which might just be the title of my autobiography).


Finally, at the ripe old age of 28, I regained my footing and my passion for writing. I made a promise to myself to release a book by my thirtieth birthday—whether through a publisher or self-published. And that brings me to my debut, Hack.A.I., a technology-based thriller-espionage novel.

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